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[Aviation] 항공업계 최대 도전: 탄소 배출 감소

항공업계 자율규제기구인 IATA(국제항공운송협회)는 2010년부터 2020년까지 연료 효율을 매년 1.5%씩 개선해서 2020년까지 탄소배출량을 Neutral 성장 (Zero 성장)으로 만들고 2050년까지 탄소배출량을 2005년 수준의 50%까지 줄이도록 목표를 설정. 
하지만 항공기 자체가 엄청난 탄소배출 기계이고 내연기관만을 사용하고 있는 상황에서 이러한 IATA의 요구가 현실적이지 못하다는 이야기가 많은 것이 현실. 아래는 관련 기사. 

Carbon neutral growth plan faces huge challenges

Carbon offsets may be needed if IATA is to meet its goal of achieving carbon neutral growth in the airline industry by 2020, Air Transport Action Group (ATAG) executive director Paul Steele admitted today.

Speaking at the ATAG Aviation and Environment Summit in Geneva, Steele stuck by the targets set out by IATA in 2008, but stressed that each one "demands a huge amount of cooperation and collaboration", and "a lot more needs to be done" if the goals are to stand a chance of becoming reality.

In addition to achieving carbon neutral growth from 2020, IATA aims to improve fuel efficiency in the airline industry by 1.5% per annum between 2010 and 2020, and reduce emissions by 50% over 2005 levels by 2050.

While noting that biofuels "have the potential to reduce the industry's carbon footprint by 80%", Steele admits that the necessary scaling up and commercialisation of alternative fuels remains "a big challenge". He concedes that "we may need offsets to help reach the 2020 carbon neutral growth target".

The airline industry is also facing political pressure to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions in the short-term. "Time is not on our side. To address global climate change effectively, we also need to see significant emission reductions before 2020," says Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

"The next few months are of prime importance to the future of comprehensive climate change actions within the aviation sector and the world as a whole," adds Figueres.

However, Steele points out that there remains a "huge political divide" over the targets for emissions reductions in the airline industry.

IATA's planned 1.5% annual target is at odds with the 2% annual fuel efficiency goal agreed at last year's ICAO meeting, while its carbon neutral growth target from 2020 at 2020 levels differs from the US Government's goal to achieve carbon neutral growth from 2020 using 2005 as the baseline.

Steele believes ICAO "has the tools to deal with these differences", and is urging the body to "build bridges as we go ahead".

The 37th session of the ICAO Assembly will be held in Montreal later this month, ahead of the next UNFCCC climate change summit in Cancun, Mexico, which begins on 29 November. The industry will be watching both meetings closely to see if a global framework for reducing carbon dioxide emissions from aviation can be successfully reached this time around.

출처: Ascend
